Friday, May 11, 2012

Ugh! Do you ever wonder when you're bad day or week came from? Did it start with my bad attitude or was it caused by other's bad attitudes? I have realized that when Daddy, isn't happy Mommy isn't happy, and the kids aren't happy but that doesn't happen very often. I do catch myself being snippy after I've been snipped at and I also find it so hard to say sorry to them for it when I know it's totally my fault for taking it out on them. But this week was just weird. It seemed that all the daycare kids were edgy. I really started the week out on the right foot ready to go and eager to start but then it was like every time I went to help one child the next one was screaming or the other one fell, and it went on and on. Someone spilled their milk, someone peed their pants, so and so used all the soap from the brand new bottle and now has suds from elbow to fingertips and in their hair and all over my bathroom. While I'm cleaning that mess up another goes and dumps out all the toys the others had spent the last 15 min. cleaning up and is now getting yelled at by the others about how mean they are. Ugh! by the end of the day I have been so ready to sit down and enjoy the quietness that I now have a overflowing pile of dishes, bout 5 loads of laundry and a totally sticky and scummy house from top to bottom. Oh and someone decided to use their vegetables to paint pretty pictures on my windows. Oh and my counselor called and wanted to make sure I was progressing on my 10 page research paper due on Wednesday. No I haven't done anything but yet everything and I can't even begin to think about where to begin now. And could someone please help me set up my google schedule! I am so lost I can't even find the appointments that I add in. What has happened to my week? Maybe I should be doing something more productive than writing on my blog but I can't even think at this point. I am so ready for this assistant to start if only to keep the peace while I help clean up all the messes. It seemed like everyone was spilling milk and peeing their pants and breaking things this week. So my question where did my attitude come from myself or my work week? Did I make the kids week bad or did they make my week bad? I guess I need to get to work and make sure to start next week out on a better foot!

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