Friday, May 11, 2012

Ugh! Do you ever wonder when you're bad day or week came from? Did it start with my bad attitude or was it caused by other's bad attitudes? I have realized that when Daddy, isn't happy Mommy isn't happy, and the kids aren't happy but that doesn't happen very often. I do catch myself being snippy after I've been snipped at and I also find it so hard to say sorry to them for it when I know it's totally my fault for taking it out on them. But this week was just weird. It seemed that all the daycare kids were edgy. I really started the week out on the right foot ready to go and eager to start but then it was like every time I went to help one child the next one was screaming or the other one fell, and it went on and on. Someone spilled their milk, someone peed their pants, so and so used all the soap from the brand new bottle and now has suds from elbow to fingertips and in their hair and all over my bathroom. While I'm cleaning that mess up another goes and dumps out all the toys the others had spent the last 15 min. cleaning up and is now getting yelled at by the others about how mean they are. Ugh! by the end of the day I have been so ready to sit down and enjoy the quietness that I now have a overflowing pile of dishes, bout 5 loads of laundry and a totally sticky and scummy house from top to bottom. Oh and someone decided to use their vegetables to paint pretty pictures on my windows. Oh and my counselor called and wanted to make sure I was progressing on my 10 page research paper due on Wednesday. No I haven't done anything but yet everything and I can't even begin to think about where to begin now. And could someone please help me set up my google schedule! I am so lost I can't even find the appointments that I add in. What has happened to my week? Maybe I should be doing something more productive than writing on my blog but I can't even think at this point. I am so ready for this assistant to start if only to keep the peace while I help clean up all the messes. It seemed like everyone was spilling milk and peeing their pants and breaking things this week. So my question where did my attitude come from myself or my work week? Did I make the kids week bad or did they make my week bad? I guess I need to get to work and make sure to start next week out on a better foot!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


As I started school again and interview for an assistant for the summer I find myself a bit overwhelmed. It ended up not working out the way I had it all planned but I'm going to be optimistic that the new plan will be in place by the end of next week. I'm a bit apprehensive of dealing with a teenage girl and a bunch of young kids. I hoping I have found a nice one with less attitude then the average teenage girl! In this way facebook is a heaven sent because as far as I can tell I have weeded out the ones with attitudes by their language and vulgarity used on facebook! Lol! Never thought that would come in handy that way! Some may not like this but I would rather have a mature well reserved assistant than one who is going to be dropping swears and such! I still wish it would have worked out for my orginal plan with a girl I know well and am comfortable with. I'm hoping this makes it easier for us to go to the park and go to the library and other fun things! I'm really loving the new preschool curriculm I thought we'd try! We are studying the rainforest and they evern thought enough to incorporate moral lessons into the curriculm. We had a discussion about being content and listening to your heart when is says you have had enough and you are happy. Such an awesome topic to discuss with children! We even did a fun scientific experiment with it where the kids got blindfolded and needed to decide when enough water had been poured into the glass in their hands. Some were good with a little, most were good to close to the top, and a couple had glasses that overflowed. We then discussed how we could better have used the excess water that had overflowed to share with our friends so everyone is happy. We also talked about jealous of thy neighbors things. The kids whho didn't have a lot were completely content with what they had and were not jealous of the others. What an awesome bunch of kids I have that have already learned the lesson of being content with what they have! The grass is just right on this side of the road! I think this is so important to understand especially in our society where some kids are taught they are supposed to have the best of the best or they aren't happy. This is definately a testamony to show parents that they can make a difference in their child's life at a young age whether they will have a positive and accepting personality or a harsh and critising one! Be an example for your kids and make sure it's a positive one because they are listening, watching, and reacting your every move! I know we often times think we are teaching them the right things only to catch ourselves acting badly infront of them, or maybe to turn around and see they had woken up and had been watching from the doorway. Reminds me of the song my Martina Mcbride in my daughters eyes I see who I want to be. We are our kids heros, their whole world they see through our eyes and how we interupt it effects them so much!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ugh! Fired up!

So some people think I'm a massive b*word because I'm not supportive of their destructive behavior to themselves and everyone around them. Really? Since when was it ok to idolize yourself and treat everyone else like crap? I put up with your stupidity for far too long. I have even tried on numerous occassions to help you figure out the problems you were setting yourself up for. But as I have come to find out when you are arrogant and on drugs you have nothing but excuses for all the crappy things you do to people and I should forgive you and feel sorry for you because you have have chosen these things! Against all my gut feelings I had forgiven you and tried to help you answer your questions of why you do these things over and over again. I am now done. You have literally run out of my patience. I am washign my hands. If others want to buy into your lies and games let them but I have no room for that in my life. I am not narrow minded nor insensitive I am standing up for my right to choose to have friends worth having. No woman should be treated like a door mat over and over again. There are absolutely no excuses for cheating on your wife over and over and over and over and over again. And if she hates me for that now it's fine. I'm good with that. She just hasn't realized how wonderful and amazing she is because she's been listening to your excuses for so long she believes them. That its her fault you don't find her attractive.  And the only reason you married her was because you thought you couldn't do better but now you know you can. Screw that crap. She can do better even if she can't see it right now. Your wife is supposed to be the one person you cherish more than any other person on earth and everyone deserves that. it makes me so thnakful to know that I have such a wonderful husband that is totally caring. But that makes you upset too so you have to break him down as well. That is where I absolutely draw the line! You mess with my family you are going to get the brick wall. I'm completely done. I dont want you around my house, I don't want you around my children, I don't want you around my husband. Everything you touch lately goes to crap and until you decide to turn your life around I can't afford to even pity you, because you take advantage of that as well. You are a user of many sorts but most of all at this point you are a user of people. And if I ever was a friend you would know I am an honest friend. Honestly you need to get your life together and nothing is going to change til you decide you are going to start righting all the wrongs you have done to everyone close to you. And I do mean everyone. Stop the drugs. Clear your head, and assess the situation! The whole entire world cannot be working against you for the fun of it. You have burned all your bridges and its time you start rebuilding them! Until then I wash my hands of you and yours and ask that you respect the last request I have and stay away from me and my family and do not utter another word against us.