Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bullies and users

There has been many points in my life when I have felt bullied and used including by my parents who are supposed to be the ones who comfort you in these times. I always thought when you grew up it would happen less. I was totally wrong. Not only have I been continued to get bullied in aggressive production places of employment but now in my own home by the parents of the children I watch. This has brought my heart so low I can't even stand it. I intentionally choose to work with children because I loved how innocent and kind they are. What I failed to think of was how cruel their parents could be. Must you not only tear down my respect for myself and your children but also my business all together? Do you even understand the consequences of your actions? Let me lay it out for you clearly it will have one of two ways. One you and your child will have to find a new place to go or two you will demolish my whole business and send everyone packing including yourselves. That's the thing about bullies is they just don't think about the consequences. On the other hand I never make a choice without thinking how it will reflect back on to the others in my life. Also think about the example you are setting for your children. You're telling them they don't have to respect others including their authorities. Bullies breed bullies and those that take advantage teach their children to be a drain on society rather than to add to it. I teach children to be kind to each other. I teach them to add to our community with their special talents. I teach them that they are always good enough as long as they try and I'll always be proud of them for telling the truth and helping a friend in need. All I ask for in return is a little respect. Enough to support what I am doing with your children and enough to give them what they deserve. I can't do my job properly if I am worried about providing a balanced diet for them. Or paying the electric so they can be comfortable because their parents decided they needed to go out one more night or they really needed that new dress. I take care of my kids first and I am always last. I take care of your kids before myself. All I ask is that you support me instead of breaking me down.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cries of a child from divorced parents

I'm feeling very urged to express my feelings and concerns for those parents I know that are going through a divorce and struggling with redefining themselves and their family. First I want to say my parents in my mind have never been together. Their divorce was when I was 1. Besides being completely confusing as to how we were supposed to act because each parent had different rules, their actions for their own lives effected us as well.
The worst thing you can start doing is putting yourself and your "needs" first. When I say needs I mean your need to try and smash someone into that hole that was made when you decided you'd be better off alone. You are emotional and I get that you think you need some emotional support but you don't need to start dating to get that. It is way worse to go to the wrong places to fill this need than to leave it open. Not only for you but your children as well. My mom was many things but mother was never shown to be priority unless she currently had a boyfriend. Do you want your children to take a backseat to your flings? They will always love you but men will come and go as you have already demonstrated. Also think of the message you want to send to your child. Your teaching them that they need someone. Not to wait for someone amazing but that they just need anyone.
I watched my mom for years get ready to go out and as the time went on I started resenting every time I saw her standing in her closet or in front of the mirror because I knew she wasn't going to be spending time with me. Your children need you. Actually need you more than you think you need a date. Because one day they will look back on their life and ask why they weren't enough. Why you felt the need to look for love elsewhere when you had plenty to offer them. I was always told you'll understand when your older. But I don't I would never want my children to question their place in my life. They are my life.  I have now since grown up and have wondered why I was so unlovable since others mothers always have done everything for their children. I'm not saying don't date but I am saying maybe leave it as a low priority.
And on the other hand they dont need a friend in you they need a parent. Don't just hand them everything they want. You now need to be the enforcer and the law maker. You have to teach them right from wrong because if you don't find time no one will. It is your responsibility to raise they up to be a contributing member of society and not a selfish spoiled person. They understand far more than you think they do and babying them is justification in their eyes that they can take advantage of others because of their condition. These are the two biggest things I have had a hard time dealing with being from a divorced family. Just remember you now are fully responsible for how your children turn out teach them where their priorities should be.